Disputes with the CSST, the SAAQ, and Other Public Entities

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  • Disputes with the CSST, the SAAQ, and Other Public Entities
A dispute with the government or its corporations?

Which resources are available to you?

These entities have their own dispute resolution procedures, which are important to know. Moreover, for someone representing himself or herself, delays for these procedures could be very long.

Since these entities have their own lawyers and doctors, there could be a major imbalance between the parties during the trial.

It is important to contact your lawyer as soon as there is a conflict between you and one of these corporations.

For all your questions, contact us at 819-771-5916
An expertise in Civil Law

A dispute with the government or its societies?

Administrative Law

Concrete example of a dispute

A nurse who looks after home-based patients and who injured her back while walking on a patch of ice in the staircase.

In this case, the CSST recognizes that there is a physical injury, but refuses to recognize the genuine psychological injuries incurred and considers that the person is fit for work as a home-based telemarketing agent.

This woman has contacted her lawyer, who was able to obtain a psychological expertise proving that the woman’s depression was a direct result of the accident.

She received an additional amount of $46,000. Moreover, the court found her unfit to resume work due to her chronic pain and granted her an income replacement benefit for two additional years.


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A dispute with a public entity?

We are there to help you

15 Gamelin Street, Suite 405, Gatineau (Hull), Quebec, J8Y 6N5